Long time no see. I haven’t posted for long a time. I have tried to get my energy and motivation back while adjusting to the new job. This hasn’t been easy. But Adrian birthday is coming, and I couldn’t deceive him. He wanted me to do the birthday card like usual. He even came with ideas, chose himself the topic and the picture that he wanted me to use.
Even with barely any creativity going through me I had no choice, I had to make the card.
He wanted a card in 3D like I did last year, with Grogu from The Mandalorian.
And he wanted me to use this picture:

I wanted to do a 3D card but a bit different than the one I did last year. I like to try new thing and just repeating the same with different theme didn’t sound fun or challenging to me. I had seen cards on Pinterest where when you open it the figures in the middle unfolds and stand up.
Like this one, but simpler than the boat and with Grogu.

I wanted Grogu to be in the center, with a background of mountains and desert.
I first removed the background of the picture Adrian choose.
I found two pictures of mountains on Unsplash, free of rights that I liked.
And I removed the background and the foreground to keep only the mountains.
I found a picture for the grounding of the card, again on unsplash.

I cropped it to keep only the sand in the foreground of the picture because I imagined grogu in the desert. And as the mountains would be 3D I need a flat floor otherwise it would have looked strange.
For the pictures of grogu and the mountains I added 2 rectangle stripes below the pictures in a powerpoint and grouped the picture and the strip as one image. These stripes will serve to glue the picture to the ground and will unfold when the card opens.

To glue these strips without seeing them I made 2 notches in the foreground. I made them 0 mm wide and the line width 1 point and the length of the stripes. The angle between the 2 notches must be around 110°. If it’s more the pictures will not rise, and it will not give the 3D effect in the end.
I printed the foreground on 120g/m2 paper and the pictures on copy paper 60g/m2.
Then I cut out my pictures and the notches of the foreground with my cricut. You can also do it by hand with a pair of scissors. It’s just faster with a cricut or any cutting machine when you have 18 cards to do.
Then you can mark the fold of the stripes, and the middle of the picture with a blade and embed it in the slot of the foreground (see pic). Glue the stripe.
And now we need a cover page to hide the construction. For this I took a picture of the Mandalorian that I found pretty. I glued it to the previously made card. And here it is! A 3D birthday card.
You can find down below the powerpoint file to print the project, or you have the link to cricut to directly print and cut.
