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Zelda Breath of the Wild birthday party - Part 3

In this part I will describe how we made the cake, in shape of a shrine and which games we organized. For the invitations. Zelda banner and stickers description go to Part 1 or Part 2.


For the games we organized four different games, each giving letters when you win. The letters were forming a secret word that kids had to guess at the end.

- The first game was a hide and seek where kids had to find hidden balls. If they needed help, we were telling them if they were warm or cold. Each kid got to keep the ball he found as reward and bring it home.

On the back of 3 stickers out of all the ones the kids had in theirs balls were written the letters T N.

- The second game was a race. We had placed a basket far from the starting line filled with different objects (a Swiss ball, a football ball, some marbles, water balloons, pinecones). Kids had to run for it, one by one and bring everything back in 1 min 30. As a reward for making, it in 1 min 13 we gave them the letters E R.

- The third game was a game with blindfolded eyes. We had hung a garland of chocolate frogs. One side was hung to a tree, and someone was holding the other side. We blindfolded the kids and made them do 3 turn on themselves. Then they had to grab the chocolate. Other kids could in the meantime try to give them indications with warm or cold. The kid holding the garland was also shaking it, trying to prevent the blindfolded kid to get the chocolate. As a reward they got the letters L K.

- The last game was a dexterity game. Each kids had 3 lives represented by 3 water balloons and they had to aim at a basket. A minimum of 15 balls had to reach the basket for the kids to win the game. As a reward they got the letters T E.

Then they had to form the mystery word. And the word was Klettern, climb in German.

During games, or installation kids also had fun just playing football or playing with the big Swiss ball. They loved it!

I don’t have a lot of pictures of the games (and they are not very good quality), we were too busy organizing them and having fun.

The cake

As I said previously, we opted for a sanctuary cake. And there had to be a link! Absolutely required by Adrian. I bought it here LEGO Link "Breath Of The Wild". I was not sure it would arrive on time. We were very lucky because it arrived the day before the birthday!

The inspiration picture was this one:

My idea was to do one cake for the base in chocolate. Then two smaller ones for the sanctuary nature taste. The two small ones would have to be shaped a bit (and here started the trouble…).

For the decoration I wanted to use fondant (sugar paste). My initial idea was to cover the base cake in green for the grass and maybe do some tree/ bushes. I would use a light brown for the framework of the sanctuary. Then for the decorations of the sanctuary I would use orange, blue and creme.

Like last year for the receipt of the cakes I used molly cakes from this website. I love them! They are very soft, not too sugary, and quite easy to do. If you want to use this receipt, I strongly recommend following all the tips and tricks she gives here. Especially the ones with the wet towel and with the nail in the middle.

Sorry the website is in French, but I am sure that’s nothing that google translate cannot fix.

Using this receipt, I made 3 cakes:

- One chocolate, in a 25 cm diameter x 10 cm high

- One nature cake, in a 20 cm diameter x 7 cm high

- One nature cake, in a 15 cm diameter x 10 cm high

You can find some on amazon

The result of the chocolate cake! There were some crumps falling a bit around, but it was not a problem because it would be hidden.

Then I piled up the two nature ones. And…. I stood there. Looking at them… wondering how this pile of two cakes could end up looking like a sanctuary. That was the panic stage. I was going to have to cut them. Sculpt them. And if I made a mistake… it would be too late. Oh oh, how was I going to achieved that.

Well, the best was just to start. After looking at it for what seemed like an eternity I started to cut. I was looking at my inspiration picture there below, then the cake, then the picture, then the cake. Cutting piece by piece.

And I managed to reach a point where I was satisfied and felt like it looks like a sanctuary. I have no pictures of this step unfortunately. All I have is the cemetery.

This is everything I cut out of the two cakes. And trust me it was a lot! Of course, I ate all the leftovers.

To stick all the cakes together and the fondant together I choose to make a chocolate ganache. And of course, you can find the receipt on my favourite website My cake.

As time was passing and the cake was taking shape, I realized that covering the base with green fondant and making some trees would be too much. And the chocolate ganache had a very nice soil colour. And that would also be the framework of the sanctuary, I would not be covering it. I am anyway not a big fan of the fondant. It just adds sugar and nothing else.

Now was the time to be a mason. Since I would not be covering most the ganache, I needed the layer of ganache to be very smooth to look nice.

In process picture of the sanctuary part of the cake.

I first laid the ganache roughly as you can see on the picture. Then I made it as smooth as possible.

I did the same with the base cake.

Once this was done, I could start the decorating part.

I made a small green patch on top of the base cake to represent the grass.

With the leftover of the cake I had cut, I made the small platform that is in front of the sanctuary. I recovered it with a brown fondant for the soil. And I added a smaller round piece of white fondant on top to be able to see well link.

After this I started decorating the sanctuary. I made a blue patch of fondant for the lower half of the sanctuary. Then I covered it with rolls of beige fondant. Next, I made the Sheikah symbol (eye symbol) in orange and some constellations.

I thought the sides of the base are not so pretty and a bit empty, so I wrote with some sugar pearls “Zelda”.

And there was finally the end! I let you judge !

Zelda breath of the wild birthday cake. Zelda Shrine cake.


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